…and that kind of timing is always right.

January 18th 2018

Forgive me Father for I have sinned.  It has been 16 days since my last confession.

I read this piece online by Heidi Priebe from November 2014.  It really made me think about past experiences where I met what appeared to the right person; the perfect person only to discover the “timing” was off.  After reading this piece, it changed my perspective on those experiences.

The Truth About Meeting Someone At The Wrong Time

Timing is something that none of us can seem to get quite right with relationships. We meet the person of our dreams the month before they leave to go study abroad. We form an incredibly close friendship with an attractive person who is already taken. One relationship ends because our partner isn’t ready to get serious and another ends because they’re getting serious too soon.

“It would be perfect,” We moan to our friends, “If only this were five years from now/eight years sooner/some indistinct time in the future where all our problems would take care of themselves.” Timing seems to be the invariable third party in all of our relationships. And yet we never stop to consider why we let timing play such a drastic role in our lives.

Timing is a bitch, yes. But it’s only a bitch if we let it be. Here’s a simple truth that I think we all need to face up to: the people we meet at the wrong time are actually just the wrong people.

You never meet the right people at the wrong time because the right people are timeless. The right people make you want to throw away the plans you originally had for one and follow them into the hazy, unknown future without a glance backwards. The right people don’t make you hmm and haw about whether or not you want to be with them; you just know. You know that any adventure you had originally planned out for your future isn’t going to be half as incredible as the adventures you could have by their side. That no matter what you thought you wanted before, this is better. Everything is better since they came along.

When you are with the right person, time falls away. You don’t worry about fitting them into your complicated schedule, because they become a part of that schedule. They become the backbone of it. Your happiness becomes your priority and so long as they are contributing to it, you can work around the rest.

The right people don’t stand in the way of the things you once wanted and make you choose them over them. The right people encourage you: To try harder, dream bigger, do better. They bring out the most incredible parts of yourself and make you want to fight harder than ever before. The right people don’t impose limits on your time or your dreams or your abilities. They want to tackle those mountains with you, and they don’t care how much time it takes. With the right person, you have all of the time in the world.

The truth is, when we pass someone up because the timing is wrong, what we are really saying is that we don’t care to spend our time on that person. There will never be a magical time when everything falls into place and fixes all our broken relationships. But there may someday be a person who makes the issue of timing irrelevant.

Because when someone is right for us, we make the time to let them into our lives. And that kind of timing is always right. 

Thank you, Heidi Priebe, for an eye opening read.


Here’s to a new year…

January 2, 2018

Forgive me Father for I have sinned.  It has been 46 days since my last confession.

Well, 2017 is gone and 2018 is here.  Overall, 2017 was a horrible year, but there were some obstacles and hurdles I had to go through, but looking back on those times, they were nothing huge or life crushing and I got through them and continued with life.

The year will bring an end to my pursuit of my Bachelor’s degree.  I will be done in October and I am really looking forward for that chapter of my life to be completed and have that piece of paper in my hand.  After that, I will evaluate my career and life and see what I want to do afterwards.  I may stay at my current job or leave.  Leaving however could include leaving Washington, or looking at contracting jobs and working in cities so I can get a feel for them before making a commitment to move.  To be honest, I think being single and not finding anyone here has had some influence, and will have some on my final decision.  At this point, however, I am not focused on that decision.  I want to focus on my degree first, and then spend the last two and a half months of the year thinking about my next step.  A lot can happen between now and October.  A lot can happen between now and the end of the year.  I have no way of knowing what will happen between now and the end of the year.  Things could turn around in my love life to inspire me to stay, they could remain the same to inspire me to leave.  My job could get better, worst, or stay the same, which would also inspire me to go or stay.  I guess in the end, I will take it one day at a time and at the end of the year, review the year and decide.

What I will do is continue to work on my house.  I am going to make a point to get that wall over the fire place completed and get the room I rented before completed and ready for potential renting again.  Some extra income for the house would be nice.  Would help get some projects completed.  I will not allow just anyone to stay just for the sake of money though.  I am really starting to see that my house requires a significant amount of my time, and I am just fine with it.

Happy New Years to anyone reading this.  I hope your 2018 brings you nothing but positivity and good health.
